

Things You Need to Know About Your 2023 Wellness Program: LivingWell Promise (Biometric Screening or Online Health Assessment) must be completed by June 30, 2023 in order to receive a premium discount of $480 in 2024 Ways to begin participating in LivingWell:

  1. Sign up at
  2. Complete the on-line Health Assessment
  3. Get a Biometric Screening by June 30, 2023 by calling the Health Department at 270-247-3553
Eligible for Biometric Screenings:
  • All active KEHP plan holders and their medically enrolled spouses
  • Both spouses must complete if on a cross-reference plan
  • Retired less than 65 Plan Holder
  • Early retire not on Medicare can participate
Not Eligible:
  • Employees who waived KEHP coverage
  • Retiree on Medicare
  • Have already completed a screening in 2023
